Fleece Fair – Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall


June 15, 2024    
9:30 am - 1:30 pm


Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall
Village Road, Hatch Beauchamp, TA3 6SG

Fleece Fair – Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall – Saturday 15th June

Somerset Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers are holding their annual Fleece Fair on 15th June, 9:30am to 1:30pm at Hatch Beauchamp Village Hall TA3 6SG.

Available fleeces, Alpaca, Exmerino, Gotland mix, Jacobs, Portland, Romney, Ryeland, Shetland, Soay, Zwartbles and more, also dyed fibre tops.  Refreshments available.

See website www.somersetguildwsd.org.uk